May 16, 2008 - 5:26pm
A Cry For Help from friends in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Denton area
I'm trying to get a baking school aimed at hobbyists off the ground. Some classes are aimed at the never ever baked before set, others at advanced hobbyist.
Newspapers are more expensive than I thought (OUCH!).
As I looked for places with bulletin boards, I was surprrised how few have bulletin boards! Whole Foods? Nope! Central Marekt? Nope. Sprouts Nope! And on and on and on. In a day of trying, I put one flyer in place in The Cupboard in Denton. I'd like to put more out.
So, if you know where there is a likely location, please drop me a note.
If you have any other ideas for guerilla marketing, please let me know!
If you are interested in what I'm doing, you might look at
churches in the area. Also, have you posted on Craigslist?
I would say most of the Starbucks downtown have boards. Also any of the areas around Oaklawn and the coffee shop there across from Hunky's Hamburgers. Just a thought! I just recently moved from Dallas. What about the local Senior Citizen Organization? I have thought about that here.
Eli the FREE section. The coupon will offer a free pass to the first class of your bread baking class(es) and the first XX people who respond will get the free pass.
Be sure to post what the class is about, date, time, place - this will give you free advertising.
You may get some email addresses from people who respond.
When you distribute the coupons to those who respond, put an identifier on each one so you can distinguish *your* coupons from any that have been duplicated.
Good luck