If you are interested in seeing the inside of real Afghan bakery check out:
Found on the NY Times website "An Afghan Breadmaker's Struggle."
Flash video shows the inside of the bakery, fermentation steps in a bath tube, scaling the dough, kneading and stretching technigues, getting the flat breads into a wood fire pit.
Really exceptional shots of traditional bread making.
It makes you think. Weavershouse is right, we do have a whole lot to be grateful for and we must keep remembering that.
Thanks for the link. Thats terrible isnt it.
Poor people. :( Yet we still have enough food to be a little soft in the middle. :S
Your link to the N.Y. Tiimes video on the Afghan bakery was a real awakening moment for me. We take so much for granted. What a tragedy.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL