84th bake. 02/04/2022. Denisa's 100% rye, take 4.

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Feb. 4, 2022. 84th bake.


This is my 4th bake based on Denisa's 100% rye recipe.

3rd submission to the Rye Community bake.

2nd time with home-milled rye flour.

Previous bakes in this series:





I forgot to wet the top of the loaf to get the seeds to stick. Most fell off when de-panning and when wrapping and unwrapping the towel. Paper plate is 9" in diameter.



Just cut it open and posted the crumb photo.   Oh man, this loaf hit the spot. 

This loaf has about 18.8 g of jaggery. And I could taste it.  But it seems sweeter than that amount of sugar would suggest.

Due to the coarser particles of the previous bake (using Vitamixed flour)  not seeming fully hydrated, I scalded/soaked the final dough's flour this time with all the final dough's water, and let soak for 3 hours. Denisa's recipe just used dry flour.

My Vitamixed flour is not homogenous in particle size -- the coarsest bits are noticeably coarser than store-bought stone-ground rye. 

Does a scald with soak create sugar with rye?

I wrapped the loaf in a towel immediately after de-panning. (Have yet to fill in the details in the OP from my bake notes.) I let the wrapped loaf sit out for about 90 minutes before putting the still-wrapped loaf in a sealed plastic bag.

I cut it open about 46 hours after taking out of oven.

I think I hit upon a good combo of scald/soak, jaggery sugar, and 1 tbsp bread spice here. My first thought upon tasting was that I have to show it off. An apartment neighbor now has a chunk, and I'm waiting for their verdict.