The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Whole wheat honey loaf

Dabbler's picture

Whole wheat honey loaf

Made this soft and sweet sandwich loaf.

Still learning, but this is my favourite kneaded bread so far. I've used this recipe for cinnamon buns and mini loaves as well. It holds shapes really nicely. I have made pumpkins, skulls, snakes, and snails for example with it. 

I'm still getting used to shaping, lol so these loaves aren't very pretty. 

Don't mind the terrible knife work. Lol



GaryBishop's picture

Will you share your formula?

naturaleigh's picture

Looks like a perfect sandwich loaf!  Love the crumb, and love the idea of making cinnamon rolls with some wheat! 

Benito's picture

Perfect crumb for sandwich loaf, well done.


HeiHei29er's picture

I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you.  I think those loaves look great!  Congrats on a great bake and I’ll second the request for your recipe if you’re able to share it. 😉