Dinner service slice thickness

Profile picture for user kevinbrode

Hello everyone


File this in the nice problem to have…..  We continue to get asked about slicing for dinner service bread. Our current slicer is a regular 1/2” that we use for sandwich slices for the restaurants we service.  When I think about a crusty, rustic loaf served with dinner, it is thicker than 1/2”. I believe I have seen that dinner slices are 3/4”. And, before I start on a quest to find a 3/4” slicer, I’d like some thoughts and experiences around rustic dinner breads, and their thickness, please. Think of breads served in a basket….



kevin at Standing Stone Bakery. 

For sopping up, wedges hand cut, one to two cm at one end and tapering down, even to a point.

 Open face, 1 cm to 1/2 inch thickness.  The bolder the crumb, the thinner the slice.  
