Hello everyone
File this in the nice problem to have….. We continue to get asked about slicing for dinner service bread. Our current slicer is a regular 1/2” that we use for sandwich slices for the restaurants we service. When I think about a crusty, rustic loaf served with dinner, it is thicker than 1/2”. I believe I have seen that dinner slices are 3/4”. And, before I start on a quest to find a 3/4” slicer, I’d like some thoughts and experiences around rustic dinner breads, and their thickness, please. Think of breads served in a basket….
kevin at Standing Stone Bakery.
For sopping up, wedges hand cut, one to two cm at one end and tapering down, even to a point.
Open face, 1 cm to 1/2 inch thickness. The bolder the crumb, the thinner the slice.
Thanks Mini. That is in-line with what I have heard. Thanks!