This is a spiral bratwurst designed to not fall thru the rack while grilling. Clever eh?
Now...what if we wanted to bake a baguette....but didn't have the big oven space....but had a big round baking pot.... or a small oven.... or a pizza pan we would like to bake our oval or round loaves upon. Could we take creative license to bake a spiral baguette in a mini oven (ahem) round pot, grill or wok?
Naturally we wouldn't want the dough coil too thick or too tight risking a baguette looking too much like a big cinnamon bun....but do I have any takers?
Anyone want to try it?
Think....lots of crust.... slashed beautifully....shaped in a golden crispy spiral.
Your challenger, Mini Oven
Nobody think outside the box like you...
But really she is thinking inside the box, the small box of a mini oven to fit a long baguette into. ??
Cool idea, who is going to take the spiral baguette challenge?
Now I want bratwurst though...<sigh> I have a terrible time shaping long baguettes - many times they don't fit in my oven and I end up bending them on the stone just so they can cook. my most successful ones are very short and skinny. I'll have to think about this for a bit, it would be easy to end up with a cinnamon bun, but maybe a snake of parchment between the coils would work? I have flour and starter and lots of time on my hands.
I want to see that sausage carefully coiled into the spiraled baguette roll - done right it would be something worth opening an eatery around!
if I roll up a towel into a loose coil, and drape a wet sheet of parchment over it, let it dry, it might be possible to get the separation between the coils.
Or what if I wrap it around a bakeable funnel shape? Oooooh! Cone head spiral! (Easier without gravity I'll bet.)
That bratwurst looks so good I went out and bought some. Chopped onions...