Made some yeast water using fresh grapes. Really easy to make, just crushed the grapes coarsely and let ferment for 3 to 4 days in room temperature until the foam on top reduced activity. Once it is done it will look like rose wine, you may even taste if you like. Next step is to mix that liquid and some fruit with flour to make the levain, which took about 12 hours to peak. I actually had to put it in the oven with the light on to speed up the process as I wanted to bake in the same evening.
Autolysed flour and water for 30 min using KA-AP flour mixed with whole wheat and rye to a proportion of about 10% ~ 15% (total flour was 320 g). Mixed the levain (~70 g at 100%) and kneaded for about 1 min, with 60% overall hydration. Let rest for 30 min, added salt, and kneaded again for 1 to 2 min. Applied 3 stretch and folds in 30 min time intervals. From autolysing to the end of bulk fermentation, the elapsed time was 5 hours. Shaped and final proofed for 1 hour before baking in clay pot at 240C for 20 min, then reduced heat to 230C for another 15 min with lid off.
The recipe is just like any pain de campagne, adapted for yeast water with no efforts. Oven spring was great, all baked in one day without retarding dough. I am not a huge fan of retarding dough in the fridge. I don't really think it noticeably enhances any flavor, and the crumb is always more dense. Retarding also results in too many blisters, so whenever I can, I won't retard.
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Beautiful crumb Paul, a very nice bake. I’ve only used yeast water once and really liked the flavour. I too made a yeast water with grapes and really liked the grape flavour it brought to the raisin walnut bread I made with it. Your bake reminds me that I had planned to bake that bread again but forgot.
Thanks Benito, I am planning to try it on baguettes later this week, and then share a picture with the community baking baguette brigade.
Peter, that is exciting that you're going to use yeast water for baguettes, I'm not aware of anyone in the CB having tried that.
I can't wait to see your yeast water baguettes.
Lovely bake! I've used yeast water as a fail-proof method for making starter from scratch. In addition to grapes you can also make YW with dried fruits (raisins, dates, prunes). Early bakes from such starters often have a bit of the fruitiness/sweetness in them, but regular feeding over time makes that go away. Did your loaf have any sweetness in it? I also like keeping YW in the fridge for building leavens. On retarding: for me, it usually does add sour notes to the bread. My understanding is that it also helps to make the bread more readily digestible for folks who have wheat sensitivities. Nice photos!
Thanks Breadfornia.
Yes, there is a multitude of choices for making yeast water. I could indeed smell the grapes in the levain, but not so much in the final crumb, even though it was very mild. I agree with your observations about retarding. It is my issue for not being able to get consistent results when I retard the dough in the fridge.