Book: The Italian Baker, by Carol Field.

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April 25, 2020.  The current baking craze has caused a run on used bread cookbooks at Amazon.

Amazon is not discounting the major authors/titles as much as they used to, and most all of the less-expensive (bargain priced) used copies are gone from Amazon's used marketplace.

I have found one exception: The Italian Baker by Carol Field.

The newer revised edition, 2011, in Kindle format, is still only US  $4.99.

The original print edition, 1985, can still be had for US $8 and under, used, in good condition:

I have both of these, the new edition in Kindle, and the original in hard copy.

The interesting thing for the hard copy, even being from 1985, is that it gives the measurments in both cups and grams for flour.  Water and yeast is measured by volume.  Salt is measured by volume and grams.

She has some very interesting biga recipes. Also several mostly-whole-wheat, at least one all-whole-wheat, and one Altamura (durum) recipe.  Also has a white flour Pugliese recipe.

Includes bread, pizza, focacce, cakes, pastries, cookies.