5 Second Rule!!!!!!!


Since I have shared some successes on this site, I thought I would share a not so good outcome.  Today I was baking sourdough loaves for out-of-town visitors to take back to their home in Madison Wisconsin tomorrow.  I decided to make them two loaves of BBA sourdough with pecans and some whole wheat and rye flours.  So I scaled up my recipe to make 3 loaves, so I could taste the result before I gave the loaves to them.  I baked the first two, since I don't have room to bake three at once, thinking that if the third one was a bit over-risen because of the extra wait for the oven, I would not care, since my husband and I would keep that one.

Well, what happened is I was taking that first batch of two out of the oven  and....the first loaf went flying off of the rack onto the floor!!!!!  Naturally it was the better looking of the two!  (I am usually pleased with the flavor of the breads that I make, but the shaping could use some improvement.)

Thank goodness the loaf that I baked by itself came out without mishap.  So I will send our friends off with the loaves that made it out of the oven properly, and my husband and I will abide by the "5 second rule."  I am sure it will be fine for us to eat, but not to give away.  It looked only a bit worse for wear, having some cracks in the crust from the mishap!

BBA Sourdough With Pecans- 5 Second Rule!BBA Sourdough With Pecans- 5 Second Rule!

The other loaves that I am giving awayThe other loaves that I am giving away

Yum! I wish I could taste it.  It would only be a disaster if the bread fell on the floor BEFORE it went in the oven!

I agree, KipperCat.  Yes, the 5 second rule only applies to fully baked bread!!! 

The bread was fine, but maybe not as exciting as some of my other creations.  Since I had planned on giving it away, and I did not know if our friends would like the type of bread that I like the best (with a fair amount of whole wheat flour), I baked loaves with only a small amount of whole grains.  To my taste, I thought the bread lacked some "oomph," but I hope our friends will like it anyway.