January 9, 2020 - 5:51pm
What are these rolls called and where can I find a recipe for them?
Hi - I used to buy rolls like this every other morning when I worked in New York City. They were amazing and I just can't seem to find good ones anymore.
I have seem almost this exact type of roll in several different places, of varying quality. But it leads me to think this is some sort of classic type roll.
Does anyone know the origin of these or what they are called, other than raisin-walnut rolls? When searching around for those terms I mostly come up with deserts and cinnamon roll type breads. These only have a very mild sweetness to them and are more bread than desert. I have also seen them made with dried cranberries.
Are they Italian? Jewish?
If anyone can give me some clues it would be greatly appreciated!
They look like regular dinner rolls to me, but with added seeds/nuts/dried fruits. Probably also some other flour(s) added because of the crumb and their more rustic look. Looks like rye or spelt to me. Since they come from multiple bakeries, I imagine they also have some preferment in them.
I'm sure you can replicate those easily with a few tests.
What web page did the photo come from? That might give a clue.
From the ingredient tab on that web page:
"Flour, water, starter, raisins, pecans, sugar, salt and yeast"
Ah, ... but what kind of flour? White flour is usually listed with its additives. Whole wheat flour is usually specified as such. The color indicates whole wheat or some rye, but the texture seems to indicate refined/white flour with the color coming from the raisins.
(btw, Did you use "tin eye" to find the URL?)
I used the search by image feature on Google Images
because I buy them all the time for my toddler grandson. Sadly, I don't know their name. They are definitely whole wheat possibly with added rye and are sold in my local supermarket in Greenpoint, a Polish neighborhood of Brooklyn. Here they appear with cranberries. I have also found a similar roll that is individually shaped with a harder all around crust at Whole Foods. I have a friend whose son owns a local bakery. I'll ask him to show a picture of the roll to his son and maybe we'll get a name that could lead us to a recipe, because I'd love to make them too. Stay tuned Hominamad. Bonni
i bake “Italian Wheat, Raisin and Walnut Bread”, adapted from Beth Hensberger’s “Bread Bible, 300 Favorite Recipes”. When I shape it as rolls in what I call “Parker House Style”, they look just like that. If you strike out on finding their true name you might consider giving this a try. I checked the book out from my local library years ago and adapted my formula from there. This bread, in batard shape, is my wife’s most favorite of all the breads I bake.
Try this one and add some yeast. Space tight together or crowd them in a sided pan for that "look."
notice the tips. Esp. on roasting nuts to prevent walnuts turning the dough purple.
But why wouldn't you want your dough to turn purple? :D
are not purple and that roasted nuts have a slightly different flavour profile. :)