The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Texture of sourdough bread versus commercially yeasted bread

berryblondeboys's picture

Texture of sourdough bread versus commercially yeasted bread

I wasn't able to make bread yesterday, so I bought a loaf whole grain sourdough for dinner and for lunch today. Last night it tasted OK, today (like always) I find it inedible without toasting it. My husband's comment about the bread last night was, "this is OK, but it's not even in the same league as what you have been making". Awww... That loaf cost $6.50 to be "ok".

Also, it seems I'm VERY sensitive to bread texture (which shouldn't be surprising to me, because I don't like some foods because of texture too.)

Anyway, I ate a slice of it last night. Today for lunch, took one bite and knew I wouldn't be able to eat it without toast and butter. Bread just tastes cottony in the mouth when it's a day old. I simply CANNOT eat it without wanting to gag. I will take the cheese and meat and eat it - just skipping the bread. 

Interestingly, my loaves made with commercial yeast are the same. But not the sourdough loaves!

I've been making sourdough loaves for about 4 weeks now. I haven't toasted a sandwich once during that time even when the bread is four days old! 

The difference is HUGE to me. Now, to my husband, he'll eat anything - even when it's drying out, but I simply cannot do that without gagging it down.

Who knew!

barryvabeach's picture

You will also find that bread made with commercial yeast will develop mold much quicker than bread with sourdough starter.  Mine go upwards of 10 days without mold.