cinnamon swirl(ish) bread

[center]cinnamon swirl(ish) bread[/center] I saw SourdoLady's most beautiful looking Sourdough Cinnamon Swirl Bread and decided I had to make it. Luckily, even though mine was a miserable failure at a cinnamon swirl, it still tastes good.
I'm sure it tastes divine, which is more important than how perfect it looks! I think from looking at your photo that I may be able to help with the eye appeal. It looks to me like your dough wasn't rolled out into a long enough piece of dough to make several rotations in the swirl. When I roll my dough it is probably not much over 1/4" thick, and in a rectangle shape. I roll it so that the short end of the rectangle is the beginning of the coil, and thus being the length of the finished loaf of dough. If my recipe makes 2 loaves, then I make one long roll and cut it into two loaves after coiling. Does this info help you out? Keep trying and yours will be perfect soon!
I recall a few of my cinnamon rolls that looked sort of like that!  Regardless of where the swirl ended up, the crumb looks nice.

Thank you for the encouraging words, SourdoLady and Kippercat. The bread does taste pretty good, I must admit.

SourdoLady, I really thought that I had rolled out the dough to be a long and narrow rectangle. I was also positive that I had coiled it more than that. Clearly not... :-]

But the rectangle definitely wasn't as thin as yours - probably closer to 1/2 inch thick. Next time, I'll go for thinner. I will probably make the dough just a bit stiffer as well.