Rus Brot's blog post about red rye malt, and Rus Brot's Youtube instructions
Did you ever wonder why the black bread you made was brownish and not black? Did you know crystal rye malt has only 10% of the required flavor of the red malt, and it's much, much lighter in color than what red malt should be? Did you know the formulae shown on the U.S. sites for making red rye malt are wrong?
Thanks to Rus, now we can make authentic red rye malt at home❗️❗️❗️
Procedures as follows:
1) Sprout rye berries for 4-5 days, increase the temperature on the last day to 50C.
If using rye malt, rehydrate it with water 1:1 by weight for 12-16 hours in a cold place (18C). Stir occasionally.
2) Cover the rehydrated malt and ferment for 48 hours at 65C. Stir occasionally.
3) Dry it for 36-48 hours at 80-85C.
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Before and after
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Nicely done! However. I did side by side comparisons of proper Russian red malt and crystal malt, and the resulting breads were almost indistinguishable. You could tell that one is sligthly ligther than the other, but with no nothing to compare to you would never be able to tell.
If you keep the temperatures under 50 C part of the batch can be made into diastatic malt too. We usually make 10% diastatic and the rest non diastatic.
I would also recommend to rinse the sprouting berries every 8-12 hours so that white mold does not form on them as easily.
We just sprout tm for 4-5 days and then dry them in the dehydrator at 105 F for 3.5 hours to make white malt and them put 80% in the oven and toast them over 175 F to kill off all the enzymes and then take the temperature up to get the color we want to make red malt.
Red malt makes all the difference in great rye bread.

ShareWhite and Red Mats
Happy malting Yippee
Dab.. is there anything about bread you don't know? You're like a human wiki page on all things bread.. your depth of knowledge is pretty cool! frank!
I'm especially good with sentences that contain Pickles and mis matched bread pronouns in Hiaku. Abe is good with Bread Haiku too
Feed the Starter, and
Nurture the dough, but never
Watch the clock, ever!
Your shared intelligence is much appreciated as always!
Thanks for sharing. Will have to give this a try when I have a chance.
Happy Baking.
Yippee.. this is very neat! I'll have to try this one day! Thanks for sharing! frank!
Hi Yippee,
I finally got it done. At first I could only get through the 40h of Step1 (soaked rye malt in clas). Since I couldn't control the temp in my oven, I froze what I had.
Then I realized the BrodTaylor Proofer has a slow cook. I thawed the rye grain and then finished off the last 4 days.
Here it is. I will wait 3 weeks to use it.
I hope it turns out!