The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Bread pan

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tukevski's picture

Bread pan

I usually make bread on my baking stone (rustic Italian and pan de yoghurt) I wonder if I can use the same recipes in a loaf pan to achieve more uniform shape for slicing?

David R's picture
David R

What's the worst that could happen? Go ahead - try it! You may fight with a little sticking to the pan at first until you find your best method for preventing that, or you may need to adjust your oven heat a bit - but it's a loaf of bread, not a fragile 12th-century manuscript or a nuclear warhead. ?

I bet it will be good the first time.

(If you make some kind of bread that is no good for slicing - nobody really slices pita, for example - I wouldn't see the point of trying that one in a pan. But when you already slice your bread, and just wish it had straighter sides - why not?)

Truth Serum's picture
Truth Serum

yes most of the bread I make is in loaf form....

Just make sure you grease the loaf pan. and if you want to get fancy you can make a sling out of parchment paper.