February 15, 2019 - 11:51am
Live streaming Nesting Bald Eagles at Lake Pleasant AZ
Their first egg was eaten by ravens and their 2nd one was eaten by a ring tail but hopefully they will pay more attention to their eggs from now on! They are beautiful Bbids to watch.
Here's one of the local pairs https://livestream.com/accounts/16498826/ETSU on the shores of Boone Lake. They fledged 3 eaglets for the first time last year. The funniest part was when a curious squirrel decided to find out what built such a big nest in his tree. Only the briefest of glances seemed to satisfy his enquiring mind.
Thank you for these great links! I participate in the Audobon eagle watch on Lake Tarpon in Florida. Our last count was 26 individuals seen. There are about 6 nests around this large freshwater lake and a large osprey, red-tailed hawk and re-shouldered hawk population. We also have several swallow-tailed kites that live here. Lovely hobby.