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Diabetic bread

Fantastic988's picture

Diabetic bread

wondering what is best bread for diabetics

Abe's picture
Abe (not verified)

Rye has a good writeup when it comes to all things health-wise. Sourdough makes bread easier to digest and I "believe" lowers the glycemic index. It certainly makes grains healthier. Wholegrain as well is always recommended. So I'd say a wholegrain sourdough rye. But be aware that a lot of rye recipes have added sugars. Go for a plain sourdough rye. The rye baker is a great website.

dabrownman's picture

!00% whole grain breads or rye is best but none are good for a diabetic.  A slice of bread is like a teaspoon of sugar.  portion control is also important.  Slice bread s thin as you can and only eat one slice at a time.  Ni cars is best but eating that way is not reasonable.  No deserts is possible,though and I have gone long periods with no carbs too.  Diabetes is not fun at all.

Good luck