I've been experimenting with making english mufifns and I have run into 2 distinct methods and I am wondering if anyone has an opinion or some suggestions (I know people have opinions, but are the willing to share).
It seems that there are 2 different methods of making english muffins. Not so much in cooking them but in their preparations. One seems to make a proper dough that can be shaped and proofed and cooked and the other is more of a thick batter / thin dough that can be scooped into the muffin rings but can't stand up on its own till cooked.
Am I just using some wierd recipes for this or am I seeing soemthing that is just a normal variation in methodoligy? Any thoughts on how to make decent english muffins would be great.
Crumpets are a close relative to english muffins. Crumpets are usually more batte-like and pour onto the griddle in containment rings, muffins are thick doughed shaped and placed on the griddle alone. either way I love them both with butter and jam.
Redundancy is your friend, so is redundancy
wrote a book, "English Bread and Yeast Cookery". This is very well researched and full of information. It has an entire section on crumpets and english muffins and would, I am sure, answer your question. A great read.
I prefer the batter - muffin rings- griddle method for making English Muffins. It does produce the "nooks and crannies" and does not require heating up the oven - which is nice in the summer.
I use a variant on the King Arthur recipe which adds baking soda right before cooking. I use a well seasoned but dry griddle and sprinkle semolina inside the rings to help prevent sticking.
Just my humble opinion and preference.