Water temp from kitchen sink


Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has been asked in the past. I'm facing a problem where many of my breads require water around 78-80f but my kitchen sink either takes too long to warm up or is too hard to narrow down the temps to exactly that range.

Is there another option for getting that slightly-warm water?


Long ago when I cared more about such things than I do now, I worked out how to get any volume of room temp or cold tap water up to 78˚F in our microwave.  It was something like 1 second of microwave time for every 10 ml of water.  Not perfect but serviceably close.  You can work it out for your microwave in a few minutes with a measuring cup and a thermometer.


now theres a great piece of info...when im baking at home i always use the microwave as a proofer - never thought to use it warm water to that extent. brilliant