hi everyone,i have a question,i bought this Hobart mixer,but the label does not show what model it is.i need a bowl and mixer attachments for it but I don't know the model,it looks like a c210 but other pics ive seen have the c210 stamped on the label.
any ideas.
I have no idea what model it is but offer three suggestions:
Post photos of the entire mixer. Maybe someone will recognize it.
Send the serial # to Hobart. They may have the answer.
Buy an attachment for a c210. If it fits, good. If not, return it.
I'd love to see the rest of this mixer, posting more photos could well generate interest, then someone may be able to hook you up with some vinatage hobart geek. This is an oldie for sure, 1930's perhaps?
cheers and happy mixing
They were really nice to me and very helpful with a similar problem some time ago.