The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Late night bread baking

scubabbl's picture

Late night bread baking

Having a young son is hard on an budding bread maker. So, I've relegated myself to some late night baking. I just pulled this loaf out at 1am. It's just a basic loaf of white bread variation 2 (i.e. liquid milk instead of powdered) from my new newly purchased copy of "The Bread Baker's Apprentice".

Late night bread baking Late night bread baking 2




weavershouse's picture
weavershouse (not verified)

Good for you, you've found a way to do what you like, even though I know it's very hard. Children grow up fast and before you know it you'll be baking in human hours. :) Your bread looks great. How do you like the taste?


scubabbl's picture

It's probably the best tasting bread I've made to date.

holds99's picture


Your bread is beautiful and you deserve a great deal of credit for finding a way to do your baking despite your time constraints during the daytime hours---and producing such great results.  You have my admiration.