No, not me! I already knew everything that there is to know about.. Oh, wait. Scratch that thought. I only know just a little more than the basics, and there is always always something new to learn. Forever.
This article appeared in that my sister in law passed on to me.
I find I have done all of those except add a pinch of yeast back I shall give that a try . I must say I don't use butter for baking so much anymore...well...cause we will eat it !! But we use it ON the I think that counts. Thanks for posting this. I love Food 52
Apprentice 2nd class 6 years ago and hung out on TFL :-) Adding instant yeast to SD breads is pretty weak though. If you want extra lift use yeast water instead.
blocked. Must have had too much activity and alerted a security breach.
Anyway, adding yeast...
Hey, I think I caught a mistake in a Plötzblog video at the 4:03 and 4:50 minute mark.
In combining the various parts of the recipe to make the dough (great looking Kenwwod mixer, it does everything!) he says something about the sourdough starter being the only ingredient to raise the bread. I think he forgot he tossed a 2g tiny ball of fresh yeast into the preferment at the 4 minute mark.
Altus at the 2:23 minute mark! Cut, dried and oven toasted even! Meat grinder? ...interesting.
I've come to realize that which flour you use makes all the difference. And why shouldn't it? Why should we be surprised? Far and away, the chief ingredient in bread is the flour. Different flours make different breads.
It's not only the difference between one grain and another but one flour and another. Bread made from King Arthur bread flour is different from the same bread made from Caputo "Tipo" 00 flour. Both are good but they are different.