Made some loaf bread for the fam

Profile picture for user texasbakerdad

Stole a recipe out of "The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book". Fresh Milk Bread. Milk, Butter, Water, Yeast, 100% whole wheat. The bread turned out beautifully and sliced easily. I was much more confident today deciding when the dough was fully proofed and everything worked out quite well. On the first loaf, my scoring was too hesitant, on the second loaf I just went for it and got a clean score right off the bat, even though the score should have been a bit deeper. I feel like I am getting better every loaf!

The wife said the bread tasted a bit like burned milk. I didn't taste any off flavors, but, I know she doesn't like milky breads. A couple of years ago we made a few loaves of JAPANESE TANGZHONG MILK BREAD because we heard it had a longer shelf life. This bread tasted similar. This recipe is a little dry, but not as dry as Tangzhong Milk Bread.

other than the "burned milk taste"? I know your 100% WW foray is especially at her request (unlike my own household, where I'm trying to convert my white-bread-eating son to WW)...

If I channel my inner wife...

The Good

  • Light crumb
  • Soft enough crust
  • Crumb barely strong enough to spread peanut butter or cold butter
  • 100% WW
  • Honey... any recipe that contains honey is a plus (there is something about honey and my wife)

The Bad

  • Slightly burnt milk flavor
  • Dry crumb
  • She wants little bits and pieces of various grains floating throughout the crumb.

The Plan to Fix

  • Ditch the milk
  • Figure out which ingredients can be added to create light yet moist crumb (I think oil or lard will do it, I can't remember though)
  • Find some tasty bits to throw into the dough at a low percentage

That loaf was fun to make... no fuss, easy to handle, and they look beautiful. I could see myself making that loaf every day. Or, see my kids making it.