puffy naan?


Made naan the other evening in the big frypan, and while it came out well, it wasn't particularly puffy, with big bubbles. It rose well, but in a very even way. How do you make it puffy, with big bubbles? One recipe I saw (not the one I used) added baking powder to the yeast dough. Uh, whaaaat? Is that the trick?

is in the shaping and when in the bulk fermentation process shaping is done, namely early for hollow pockets and later for a more ciabatta like crumb. Take notes on time and temperature an the steps made.

Not sure I understand you. Ciabatta has what I could call hollow pockets. What I get is a more ordinary bread crumb. I'm suspecting that a more hydrated dough may be the answer, and perhaps also to let the naam disks sit for a while after forming to recover the air bubbles lost in shaping.

Make sure you final proof the shaped, naan dough to the way you want it and then get a Combo cooker bottom, best,  or a CI skillet hot on the stove.  I test it with an infrared thermometer.  When it hits 500 F = 550 F it is ready.  Be ready to be fast.  It will puff like crazy but don't burn it before you turn it. 2 minutes max per side

Or do it in the 500 F  oven between 2 stones


Like here


Or on  a 500 F grill with or without your stone or steel inside heated properly like here


It is the proper proof and high heat that make its puff all 3 ways work well!

Thank you. So I guess you're saying that the solution to making it puffy is VERY high heat, for a VERY short cooking time. The recipes all call for "medium" heat, which isn't that. I suspect you're right, in that for pita bread at least, the secret is high heat as well.

By "proper proof", you mean allow the shaped disks some time to rise a bit?