For high hydration levains, I've exclusivly used a 125% hydration rye levain for more than a year now, but wanted to return to from whence it came. This is another Vermont SD, retuning to Mr. Hamelman's 125% hydration AP flour levain formula. It is just a lovely Pain au Levain bread. Thin crisp crust and open sweet and "sparkling" crumb.
I usually avoid reposting past breads except when something has changed. I've been mostly quiet here for a while now, and when I bake I generally stick to the tried and true. But I thought I'd post these just for the heck of it.
3 x 360g, 1 x 410g baguettes/long batards
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but we don't seem to mind looking at them:-) Happy baking ALan
to getting around to bake these the first time. But definitely a convert from the first time I gave them a go. If anyone wants a really good levain formula to try their hand at making baguettes, this is certainly a front-runner.
Low overall hydration, compliant dough, shapes easily, sheds virtually no moisture on the couche, takes a score easily and bakes with a nice oven spring. As it is an all AP flour, you tend to stay far from a dough like this. But for me, it is a delight.
It is an all around winner.
thanks, alan
I have missed your bakes though so i was happy to see these photos today.
keep wowing us Alan!
As I mentioned in my comment to dabrownman above, these are an easy entry into the world of levain baguettes.
I already have so many breads in my formula looseleaf book, and I find I'm not prone to taking on new ones that readily. Exceptions abound, particularly when I see Abel's creations. So I try to keep my posts limited to new or modified stuff, with exceptions like these delights. And I'd love for this post to find someone inspired by it and give the baguette shape a go.
Folks like Danni and Ian seem to conjure up new concoctions weekly based on whatever falls out of their pantries. I marvel at their inventiveness and their craft.
quite incredible, and Danni does it week after week. I love reading about their bakes, seeing pictures and being pushed to get better all the time. and yes, your baguettes do inspire me, I just need to pluck up the courage as my first 2 attempts were not very good. its on the list!
It would be too selfish for you to keep these lovely bread to yourself. Please don't stop posting!
Will do that, but within the framework I set out for myself - new or modified wares - with occasional exceptions like these.
thanks for the kind words, alan
that I got my “Alfanso Baguette” fix! Beautiful, just beautiful! Keep posting, even if it’s a repeat. I can’t handle the withdrawal symptoms! ?
and let's hope that is all that it is, I feel kinda lonely out here on Isle TFL in the Baguette Brigade, and would love some company. But it is hard to find many fish out there willing to go for the bait. All it takes is time and dedication and anyone can do it too. And, just like kendalm, they too can be posting fabulous baguettes. Oh, I wish, I wish...
thanks, alan
just don't mainline the stuff, not good!