The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Another 20% Whole Grain SF Sourdough Style Bread

dabrownman's picture

Another 20% Whole Grain SF Sourdough Style Bread

The 2nd bread back from no bread for months, is similar to the one 2 weeks ago but the 20% whole grains were made up of only 7 different grains, the hydration was up a bit to 80% and we retarded it for 12 hours with no autolyse but did put the Pink Himalayan in the mix instead of on top of the autolyse.  We dropped the Emmer and Einkorn because Lucy said E’s are no longer the it in breadmaking anymore-  plus the pooches pantry was bare for them.

Lucy brought this recipe back from her 2 week trip to Meta Verse 1.0.  She has been in a funk since she got back but did say she loved it even with its flaws.  So…… I thought it was a good time to get her shots and teeth cleaned before the wedding - shots are done but teeth are next week.  The only one she hates more than bad pumpernickel bread or me is the Vet.


All I have to do is say let’s go to the Vet and she does a nose rip on me.  She is still too fast for me at 13 but she will get it back in spades when they clean her teeth.  She won’t let anyone brush her teeth and bites anyone who tries.  This is what she gets as a result - 500 bucks of pure hell.  At least they knock her out so she doesn’t remember too much if it.  It is fun messing with her while she is still loopy.

Short Ribs on butternut squash, carrot and sweet potato mash and St Louis Ribs

The 100% hydration levain contained all the whole grains and was single stage, stirred twice, over 16 hours.  It had more than peeked when it hit the mix.  3 sets of slap and folds over 1.5 hours and 2 hours of bulk were perfect before shaping and placing it in the rice floured basket.  Then in the fridge it went for the snooze. 

Green Chili Pork Stew and never eat soup out of can or Ramen when you can male your own chicken noodle soup from scratch

It looked a little low so t sat in the counter to puff itself up before unmolding, slashing and going into the 500 F DO for 20 minutes of stream.  Then it got 16 minutes of dry fan heat at 425F when it read 209.5 F and deemed done by Lucy.  It was a bit bolder than usual but we like it bolder.

It blistered, Sprang and bloomed well and it is nice looking loaf for sure.  We wrapped it in plastic after it cooled and let it sit till the next morning because SD always tastes better the next day and toasted.  This is about as good a SFSD you will ever eat and we like it a lot. 

The crust is the best but the crumb is tasty, soft and moist too. Made a great open face, breakfast sandwich toasted with butter, homemade jam, melted Colby cheese, hot Smithfield breakfast sausage and an egg on top.  Just delicious and way better than anything you can buy at Mickey D’s.  Had a P & J for lunch.

And Lucy reminds us all to never, ever forget the salads 



leslieruf's picture

lovely loaf, could tell it was yours before I read the post - it is sooo good to see you posting again.  great crumb, and food porn is as wonderful as ever. hope Lucy "enjoys" her visit to the vet, but don't tell her I said anything :) :) 

happy baking dabrownman......


dabrownman's picture

for a German dog.  But since she can't understand English and dumb as a stump, I can say to her in a sweet sing song voice -The evil vet is going to rip those rotten teeth out of your mouth so fast you won't even know it - till later .....and she wags her tail with excitement.  Poor thing!  Glad you like her recipe.  The food just gets better year after year as Lucy ages and her face turns gray.  I'm doing Peruvian ceviche today to celebrate National Guinea Pig day that I missed in July.  I'm doing shrimp because we don't eat the national dish of Peru, Guinea pig, since Lucy ate my daughters 12 years ago.

Happy baking Leslie

Elsasquerino's picture

Every picture in this blog looks great, as usual... Don't suppose you need a lodger? ;-)

dabrownman's picture

an extra room available:-)  I love to make bread but I really am a recovering closet chef at heart!  No need for bread if you can't eat something lovely with it right? Glad you liked the post and 

Happy baking Elsa

IceDemeter's picture

To go with all of that other wonderful food ;-)

It really is good to have you back, and posting again - making me drool with longing at the wondrous foods, and giggle at the antics of Miss Lucy, and quite often stop to think about life and what is important...

Now - just keep yourself in check, young man - and don't binge out on that luscious loaf to the point where you have to disappear on us again! 

It really is good to see you back and baking happy :-)

dabrownman's picture

max.  I need to make it till I can get to Metaverse 2.0 in 40 years! Some parts of the real world are depressing we have $20 Trillion of national debt in the USA, not counting all of our local and state debt or personal debt.  This works out to $62,500 each for every man, woman and child living here.  IF we paid it off at $1 billion dollars a day or $365 Billion a year, there was no interest tacked on top of it and we didn't borrow any more would only take 52 years to pay it off .....if all 320 million of us paid our fair share.  Oh My!  But, rather than focus on the depressing debt mess we are in, it is way, way, better to be positive, drink a glass of red wine a day, eat wisely, exercise often and live long enough get to Metaverse 2.0 before this unplayable debt comes due and the bill collectors come knocking at our old address:-)  Poof - no worries!  So be happy and be a

Happy baker instead ICE D

IceDemeter's picture

all of us in the future just being in the Cloud and no longer needing our physical / meat bodies, my brain insists on reading "Metaverse 2.0" as "Meat-verse 2.0" ... and then I get all confused about it being backwards ;-)

I had no part in the decision to accept currency as a representation of goods and services, and no part in the decision to allow the existence of currency debt, and no part in the decision to allow currency to exist without any backing in actual goods or services, so feel no need to participate in the predictable breakdown of what has become an imaginary marketplace.  Good bread, good meats, good wine and beer, a bit of activity out in the world to keep the blood moving - those are all of the REAL things that I have decided to participate in --- along with good conversation and good memories with good people.

Thanks for being one of the good people - and having the very good sense to prioritize keeping yourself and your family well and happy (even if it means accepting some limitations on those good breads and meats and wines and beer)!

It's the living happy that makes the baking happy --- and the sharing!

Flour.ish.en's picture

It sounds like the bread, Lucy and all the other preparations are in order for the big day. I can't tell you how heart-warming it is to see your posts back in this space. Happy baking!

dabrownman's picture

check.  Lucy groomed with teeth nearly cleaned - check.  The wedding is a go for lift off!  Sadly, the check to pay for it is not written:-)  Oh well, that is why God made Bourbon..... with a tequila chaser!  Hope all is well with you and yours flour.ish and remember to bake happy!

Isand66's picture

Looks like this bread will be perfect for Lucy....nice and soft for Lucy after her  teeth cleaning.  The rest of your cooking certainly is a joy to look at and I'm sure it tastes amazing.  

Max and Lexi just turned 5 and 4 last week and wish Lucy could have been here to share some birthday cake.

You certainly have not lost your touch with this beauty.

Happy Baking.


Ian, Lexi, Max and the rest of the Long Island clan

dabrownman's picture

Seems like yesterday when you found them both.  Lucy will love this bread once I tear off the crust and soak it in milk:-)  She is a trooper and feisty for her age but I do worry about something going wrong when they put her out of it for the cleaning.  Fingers crossed.  Beauty is only skin deep when it comes to bread and people which is a very good thing for me:-) Maybe it is just a personal thing, but I do prefer robots with artificial intelligence rather than artificial people who just think they are smart.  This bread is particularly tasty.  Just the way we like it - even before a glass if wine:-)  You and the black ones would like it - not sure about the 5 furry kitty cats.

The best to you and yours and happy baking Ian