Dough Calculator - my version

Profile picture for user leslieruf

For a few weeks now I have been working on my version of the BBGA dough calculator. About a year ago I set it up from a post about it but kinda struggled to get it working easily.  Prompted and helped by DanAyo, who is also working on his own version, I have modified it so it now works the way I like. Dan's help has been invaluable, and now it is time for others to chip in and find any flaws.

I have set the calculator up as a blank Excel template, so ideally you should download it and save it in your Excel "My templates" folder.  Then each time you open  a new document (ie for a new recipe) you can fill in all details and save it as a standard excel file where ever is best for you.  

There is also a "How to use" word document and ideally you should save these two documents in the same place. There is a link to the instruction at the top of the calculator.

I have protected the workbook so you can only change the cells where you input data.  Have fun :) Please have a look and a play, send me any feedback on what is not correct, could be better etc. 

I'm a bit nervous putting this out there but look forward to your feedback. 

 Edit: 6 October 2017 - updated - incorrect links fixed

Happy baking everyone.


Sorry about this, my IT skills are a little lacking especially adding links.

Calculator instructions:

Dough Calculator:

Private message me with your email address if this still ain't right or comment here.

Fingers crossed.

Thanks for your work on this. I keep getting error messages but the spreadsheet does not allow me to see the relevant cell formulas to help me figure out what is wrong. Can you make those visible so we can see the relationships between the cells?  Thank you.

is the version of excel that you are using.  Old versions probably won't work as some formatting is not supported in older versions.  The other reason is often that the bakers percentages do not add to 100%.  I have sent you a private message via this site, email floyd if this is not enabled for you. I have sent more information.

If if would help send me the recipe amounts and I can maybe see what is happening.  You can send either  via private message or on this post whichever you like.

good luck, I am happy to help. I am using the calculator and it works for what I am doing so we should be able to figure it out


Could you possibly associate CELL A4 with the sheet name?  Your lock won't allow me to change the tab name of the sheet when I copy it to create new recipes.  This means I have to scroll through all the bottom tabs until I find the recipe I am looking for.

Otherwise...  GREAT WORK.


Once I convince my Mac that I am me, it allowed me to change the tab name.  I am just predominantly lazy....  I always assign the tab title to the title in whichever Cell I put the title in.  :-)

Hello Leslie,

Just wanted to offer a great big thank you for wonderfully working Bakers Percentage spreadsheet. I love it. Our other bakers can now effortlessly calculate our recipes without fail. Thank you, thank you, thank you … just incase I didn't mention it before.

If you ever have free time, i have a few questions for you.

best wishes,
