Solar Eclipse 2017 Bread Challenge - Bread #1

Profile picture for user joc1954

This bread was inspired by a nmygarden comment (Thanks Cathy for your comment!!!!) to my Elderberry and Hokkaido squash bread.

I wanted to be a little bit more innovative with this bread. I knew I need to make a black dough which was kind of a mental reservation for me, but then I accepted this idea and got 20 g of black color made from charcoal.



I wanted to cut the boule parallel to the bottom to get a nice black spot in the middle and yellow corona surrounding that. Finally I decided to make a "traditional" cut but not cut the crust on the bottom and then just open the bread and show the crumb what you see on the video.


The rest was easy - yellow color comes from Hokkaido squash puree, shaping was traditional with small exception that I just wrapped the upper part of the boule with yellow dough, but left the bottom part uncovered so I got picture of first solar eclipse right after putting the dough into banneton.

I think the rest is obvious from the pictures.


Happy baking!


Profile picture for user Lazy Loafer

That's amazing Joze! Gorgeous colours. How did it taste?

The taste was normal as any other bread. I was surprised as well. Because our eyes eat first we have kind of a problem with black crumb. It's almost gone already, so I have another one in progress. This one will be "normal" kind of Pane di Altamura.

Happy Baking,


Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Wow you met that challenge head on! That is beautiful!

I wrote a reply to your comment yesterday, but obviously pressed the wrong button. Thanks for your nice opinion. I was really trying to be a little bit different and creative.

Happy baking Danni,


I was thinking how to get as many possibilities as possible to show the solar eclipse, so I decided to shape the bread a little bit in a strange way so the outer part, which is yellow and represents corona, is covering only the upper part of the loaf, but not the bottom.

Here is a short video about how it looks from the bottom side.

Happy baking Mini!
