Lucy was trying to get back to her bread roots with lots of add ins. This is also the 5th year since we started sprouting our own grains and adding them into breads. Originally we sprouted them and added them into the mix when the stretch and folds began and then later started drying them and grinding them into flour too.
So Lucy went back to her roots and took half the sprouted grains for grinding and making the bran levain and left the other half to fold into the crumb like we did so long ago. Then she decided to get some cranberries and pistachios in the mix too. So this turned out to be an old school Lucy bread.
The 5 sprouted grains were: Kamut, red and white wheat, spelt and rye in equal amounts – half ground for the 9% pre-fermented flour, 100% hydration, single stage bran levain that took 8 hours to double. After stirring at the 4 hour mark.
The dough flour and enough dough water to get to 85% hydration were autolyzed for 40 minutes with the Pink Himalayan sea salt sprinkled on top and an extra 3% water sprinkled on top of the salt for a double hydration that totaled 88%. We did 3 sets of slap and folds of 50, 20 and 10 and then 3 sets of stretch and folds with the add ins going in on the first set.
SD pancake breakfast
All the dough manipulations were done on 30 minute intervals. After a quick pre-shape we shaped the dough in to a taunt, squat oval and plopped it into a rice floured oval basket that had some conn meal sprinkled into the bottom at the last minute. It was then retarded for 13 hours.
Light P&J Rib lunch
We let the dough warm up on the counter for an hour before firing up the big oven to 500 F. When it hit temperature, we put the lave rocks half full of water; Mega Steam, in and let it really get going for 15 minutes before the bread was unmolded, slashed and slid onto the bottom stone for 16 minutes of steam.
Shrimp Lo Mein Stir Fry with broccoli, purple cauliflower, green bean, squash, yellow & red pepper, Hatch green chili, 2 kinds of mushrooms, red. white & green onion with some chocolate graham cracker cheesecake with strawberries.
When the steam came out we turned the oven down to 425 F convection for another 28 minutes of dry heat. When we took it out it read 208 F. It had puffed itself up, bloomed and browned nicely as well. We think the crumb should be fairly open, for a bread with so much stuff in it.
This bread is nice open, with a soft and moist crumb, that is tart and sweet due to the cranberries yet hearty healthy and nutty from the sprouts and pistachios. It is one fine tasting bread for sure. I will n=make some fine toast for sure.
9% sprouted 5 grain bran and high extraction single stage, 100% hydration, 8 hour levain that was stirred at the 4 hour mark.
4% high extraction sprouted 5 grain
43% LaFama AP
44% Albertson’s bread flour
2% PH sea salt
12% Sprouted 5 grains – whole
15% Dried cranberries
15% Pistachios
Have a salad after that appetizer dipping plate
- dabrownman's Blog
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That shrimp Lo Mein was especially tasty and photogenic. If it was Hi Mein who knows what would have happened:-) The bread is very tasty with all the goodies inside. Glad you liked the post and
Happy baking Kendalm
for my diet but I absolutely envy your indulgence. Don't tempt me!

Enjoy your good food, DBM!
because you don't have that many years to take off your life in the first place:-) I know you would like the stir fry shrimp - very healthy too! Have a great father's day weekend Yippee!
Love this bake! The crust is nice and dark and the crumb nice and open. Scoring came out great as well. Now the rest of the food is enough to make me buy a one way ticket to come live with you :).
happy Baking and a shout out from Max and Lexi to their west coast buddy.
bring the black ones. Lucy would die and go to heaven! Glad you like the bread and the food - we did too!
Happy baking Ian
We'd have to drive since I would never put the furballs on a plane unless they could sit with me. I think it's a bit too long of a trip for now though :). Maybe when they have that transporter figured out we can beam right over!
Happy Fathers Day!
Everything looks so delicious. A feast! Always look forward to your weekly eye treats Dabrownman.
P.s. what does stirring the Levain at the 4 hour mark do?
have a better access to the available food and I can then set the rubber band on the container to see when it doubles. Glad you like the food. Lucy and I love cooking and baking together and folks seem to like it as much as we do when shoveling it down the hatch. I had 3 helpings of the stir fry! Tom=night s one of favorites tuna with DaBrownman's special citrus sauce.
Glad you liked the post Abe - enjoy the weekend!
All of the food here looks great, and the bread has a lovely profile. I'm mentally tucking in a napkin for lunch!
today. Just killer toasted in the Mini Oven - easy as pie and almost as delicious. You would like this one as a fat bag or thin batard. Glad you like the food and have a great weekend Alan .
As well as the add-ins in the crumb. The Lo Mein looks like a fully loaded pancit! Yum! If I can't have all of those can I have at least the cheesecake?
Happy baking and Happy Father's Day uncle!
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It wasn't loaded like this Lo Mein but delicious and still my favorite. Sorry no cheesecake for nephews who are dieting:-) I'm going to need to go on a diet one of these days.....You would like this bread Job. It's not a good a pancit but you can't have a pancit P&J sandwich either. We had a great father's day - I made ribs and all was well!
Happy baking Job
This bread looks and sounds amazing! I definitely need to try it. Cranberries and pistachios with sprouted grains? Sounds like the best of a number of worlds!
healthy too. We just love it toasted with butter. We are going dark this week and Lucy has done gone DaPumperized again:-)
Happy baking .