The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Online bread course - new stuff to learn?

Lazy Loafer's picture
Lazy Loafer

Online bread course - new stuff to learn?

I've just signed up for this online bread course on advanced sourdough from Udemy. They have a few courses there and some good reduced prices at the moment. I'll report back later. :)


leslieruf's picture

I haven't ever done anything like that before. Do you sign up then work your way through material as you have the time? is that how it works?  really good pricing at the moment.  


Lazy Loafer's picture
Lazy Loafer

Yes, once you sign up for a course you have lifetime, any time access to it. You can go back to any lesson at any time and watch it over and over if you want.

leslieruf's picture

will have a look again.  Thanks Wendy


Danni3ll3's picture

And the price is very reasonable! I might just join you!

Alan.H's picture

Looks like an interesting course so I have joined too. At these very reasonable prices I'm also tempted by course #3 "Classic sourdough".  I just know I'll weaken soon!
