First try at Reinhart's WW Sandwich bread

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I am very pleased. Rich flavor, and crispy, crackly crust. Dough seemed quite dry (added some water with with wet hands) and barely passed its windowpane test. Looking to up my game, if you all see anything, troubleshooting-wise. This is the bread that resulted from the previous post of my final dough. 

is a good one.  I would be more wet than 80% but I use fresh milled whole grain flour. at 90-95% hydration depending on the feel of the dough.  I don'i check for window pane on breads like this one.  Well done and 

Happy baking 

is the goal for next time!! Hopefully, there will be less density, but we'll see how my dough-handling skills do, lol. Glad to hear about the windowpane with higher-hydration doughs. Thanks!!!