Short Flat 80% Rye Bread
Any suggestions on how to make a better-proportioned free-form loaf with high rye content?
The dough was quite sticky and slack, so the loaf spread out during proof and I ended up with the flat loaf you see here.
I suppose next time I could put the dough into a loaf pan for proofing, but I'd rather have a free-form loaf.
The overall formula is 80% whole rye flour, 20% high-gluten flour. Hydration is 78%, salt is 1.8%, IDY is 1.5%. About 44% of the rye flour is prefermented in a SD and another 25% is soaked in boiling water overnight.
Mix on first speed for 3 minutes and second speed for 2 minutes. BF for 50 min, shape into a loose bâtard and then proof for 50 min.
Baked in a preheated clay baker with lid on for 15 min at 470°F/243°C. Then removed lid, dropped temp to 430°F/220°C for an additional 35 min.
Not sure, I once tried a 70% rye, proofed it free form and it spread a lot too. I think you'll need to to find something to support the loaf while it proofs.
Great looking crumb you've got there by the way. Well done :)
Happy baking
the loaf back into the clay baker and take a picture? I suspect the baker is too big for the amount of dough. Doubling up on the dough might give you a nicer shape, or find a smaller shape to bake in.
I would also try what Ru suggested and let the dough rest in a smaller floured support while it proofs. Then turn out gently and bake.
...but the loaf had flattened out before I placed it in the baker.
Next time take your spatula to the sides and see if you can shape it into a log again with some gentle pushing from both sides. Get your hands and spatula wet before you start pushing so you don't get stuck in the dough. :) Getting a nice round top before baking will help the shape. (and maybe a little more dough) Try proofing in a tissue box or other lined cardboard box more narrow than the clay baker. just a few ideas... :)
...I'll try proofing in a container next time.