The Winston Knot Series


There is a basic sequence of steps for making the Winston Knot with scope for variations regarding the length of the braid and number of threads comprising it.

Here I present examples of it.

* From the book: "The Art of Braiding Bread"


The insert shows the bread in dough form. The main picture presents the baked bread.

Profile picture for user Filomatic

I love this one.  Please show the crumb.

Hello Filomatic

thank you for your comment

sorry, but that loaf has already been eaten; it was pretty good, if you want to know

Ibor.. your braided breads are a great example of doing one thing exceptionally well, than many in a mediocre way... I'd be wise to keep that notion in mind - both for my bread as well as my life! - very impressive..hanks for sharing!