Since I had some levain left over from my other bakes and I hate throwing good stuff out, I weighed it and decided that 125 g was enough for a 1-2-3 loaf.
I just threw all of the following stuff together, no autolyse, into a bowl and right into fermentation:
125 g half rye, half AP levain
250 g warm water
200 g unbleached flour
120 g white wholewheat
55 g kamut
7 g salt
Six sets of folds a half hour apart and then left to finish fermenting for another hour and 20 minutes. The dough felt very different than what my doughs usually feel like. It was super extensible and silky.
I preshaped it, ly it rest for a bit, then shaped again and into the fridge in a basket for a 14 hour retard. The next day, it really looked as if it hadn't risen very much at all but I baked it as per my usual anyway. It was in the oven not quite the entire time I usually do because it was a smaller loaf. When I lifted the lid, it was "Holy oven spring!" The loaf had a huge ear on it!
Well it is pretty tasty as half the loaf is gone between the hubby and the daughter. I have had one measly slice! I told hubby to take it easy on the loaf as I want to use some to float on top of a mushroom onion gratinee soup tomorrow.
- Danni3ll3's Blog
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Send over a slice this way! Crumb looks perfect and crust as well.
Nice bake.
This is 47% whole grain bread so it needs to hit the heat at 85% to maximize spring and bloom. When it doesn't rise much in the fridge it was probably just perfect for the heat:-) My problem is that they over proof shaped in the cold and I'm too lazy to get uo early and check on it. Not so much that they collapse in the heat but they just don't pop. The crumb is OK bit the looks on the outside are meh.....
This one looks perfect inside and out. Well dine and happy baking Danni
Love the mini loaf. I'm not surprised it was almost gone so soon after slicing!
A nice trio to display for the weekend. Getting inspiration from elsewhere, particularly on TFL, and then applying our own unique individual touches is where its at! An old baker friend once said that there are few and far between original ideas, mostly everything is a riff on something else in bread baking.
As with a number of other suspicious characters contributors on TFL, you and a host of others are displaying lovely goods far afield from the traditional base components. Nothing like some individualism and creativity to spark the same in others. Thanks for posting your own 'nuclear triad' of weekend bakes!
Glad to know I was almost called a suspicious character. LOL. As for retirement, I seem to be plenty busy and someone wanted to offer me something to do that sounded suspiciously like a job. (Woah! Suspicious is a popular word today). I have to check out a website to which that I have already forgotten the name. Oh well... I was keen on the thought of having a job again anyhow.
will soon pass.....Things like work really ruin a good retirement:-) Today I thought about planting some lettuce for the winter crop but decided to make pizza for dinner instead. Just the thought of having to dig up the old soil amend it, plant and water the seeds was just too much. Might have to break it up into 2 or days to get the lettuce in:-)
I could really use a slice of that this morning :). It looks like it must be delicious slice of toast.