The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

This week's baking 8-21-16: SJSD & Pain de Campagne

dmsnyder's picture

This week's baking 8-21-16: SJSD & Pain de Campagne

Nothing new and exciting baking here this week, except my wife's French Plum Crisp. I baked a couple of my go to breads. My version of Forkish's Pain de Campagne, very different from his, actually. I do use his baking procedure, although it's really Chad Robertson's. Oh, well. It makes really good, crusty bread.

And a couple loaves of San Joaquin Sourdough. Here's one of them, just to make a point:

  \ See the point?

Happy baking, every one!



Danni3ll3's picture

And I love that oven spring. I made Forkish's Pain the Campagne too today. I was on a bit of a baking binge but I didn't post those. I plan to give the two loaves of Pain de campagne to one of our local soup kitchens. I dropped off a loaf of Honey Spelt last week and they were so appreciative that I plan to bake a few loaves on a regular basis and drop them off.

Oh my pain de campagne is 70% unbleached flour, 20% multigrain flour and 10% dark rye. So a bit different than Forkish's original formula as well.

dmsnyder's picture

Today's Pain de Campagne is about 60% whole grain (wheat and rye).

Good for you, baking for a local food program! 


dabrownman's picture

never forget Varda's Knobs either:-)  Your breads always come out so nice.  Well done as usual and happy munching.

dmsnyder's picture


dabrownman's picture
dabrownman's picture

Hasn't done that for awhile - thankfully!

Ru007's picture

Nice bake David, your loaves look great!

Love the scoring. I want to start getting a bit more creative with my scoring. I've seen your tutorial on scoring so i'll probably start there.

Enjoy the bread! 

dmsnyder's picture

Happy baking!


AnotherLoaf's picture

I have learned so much from your blog over the years. Thanks!

dmsnyder's picture
