November 13, 2007 - 11:46am

Yeasted multigrain is a wee dram spongy-gritty
I've been baking the yeasted multigrain recipe from Crust & Crumb, in sandwich loaf form, for a few months now and while it keeps getting better, I'm still yielding a slight gritty-spongy crumb. For grains I use rolled oats, polenta, flax seeds, wheat bran, and bulgur. The only thing that differs from the recipe is the barm starter I use, rather than the suggested biga, though I did attempt it once with the biga and found the barm to be nicer.
That said, my question is: What can I do differently (or avoid) to make the crumb slightly softer and not so gritty-spongy? Before baking, the dough is moist and loose, rather than dry and tight.
some water and then add the corn and the bulgar letting it get hot, keep it loose. Set aside covered to soak up water and cool. When cooled use in the recipe. Any left over water can be subtracted from the recipe. This outta soften the grit. :)
Mini O
Thanks, I'll give it a shot next week! Appreciate the insight...