The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


Avibabyau's picture


Whilst looking through baking websites I came across this conversion from yeast to sourdough which puzzled me. It said for every teaspoonful of dried yeast remove 62 grams of both flour and water and replace it with 124g of starter at 100%.

That it itself didn't sound too bad but when i tried to convert one of Paul Hollywood's recipes I stopped to ponder as it calls for 5 teaspoons of yeast. That would mean exchanging 310gms of flour and 310 gms of water for 620 gms of starter which seemed a huge amount to me??


chockswahay's picture

Have you seen the amount of olive oil he uses ?!!  5 teaspoons of dried yeast is a massive (and I think quite unnecessary) amount to use.

I'd also suggest a dedicated sourdough recipe, there are plenty on TFL
