As a novice baker, I still haven't come to terms with scoring. Sometimes it goes alright, other times I fail. My last two loaves have been miserable with scoring. The slash turns out to be unporous (spelling ?), like a flat smooth impermeable surface. Could anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong ? Much appreciated.
There looks to be something else at play, rather than just the scoring/slashing. The loaves don't look fully cooked to me simply based on color, and it may be that you're not getting enough steam on them during the first 15-25 minutes. Aside from that, something about the bulk and final proof may need to be adjusted. More info on your recipe and process, and I'm sure some adjustments could be made to improve your finished loaves. You're off to a good start though!
Before your final rise of your loaves if you flour where you will be slashing with rice flour or a liberal coating of your flour, That helps a lot.