Sourdough Latvian Apple Cake

Profile picture for user KathyF

So, I was browsing on Instagram and ran across a post by @nanascakekitchen for a really yummy looking dessert. It turned out to be a recipe for Sourdough Latvian Apple Cake by Teresa Greenway at Northwest Sourdough. So, I just had to try it. It's a fun way to use up any extra starter you might have. And it turned out so well that my daughter and her family told me that I need to make another one soon!

I followed the recipe exactly, except I do not have a 10" round casserole dish, so I used my iron skillet instead. It worked like a champ!

Profile picture for user PalwithnoovenP

Did you taste the added dimension of the starter? I can imagine myself eating this on the porch in one lazy afternoon!

There was so much butter, eggs and sugar, that I didn't really notice any real tang to it. It did taste really good though! I would have to try a recipe with starter and one without I guess to see if there is a noticeable difference.

And I bet very good. I thought a cast iron skillet was a casserole. 


I could not really taste the sourdough element and for me there is too much butter and sugar.  However it did taste better cold and after a couple of days in the fridge.

It was indeed tasty as KathyF.  I am not really the cake maker in the family and my wife says that it was not really 'cakey' enough!

Ah well, it was fun to make , thank you for giving me the idea :)

True, it's not "cakey", but it is tasty! Your cake looks great! I made another one last night and you really can't detect the sourdough part. So, a good way to use up some left over sourdough, but the recipe doesn't seem to really feature that element. The family sure does seem to love it though!