The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Cracked Rye Porridge Sourdough

Ripoli's picture

Cracked Rye Porridge Sourdough

This is bar far, one of my most favourite tasting loaves to date. Basic sourdough loaf is transformed with the addition of the Rye porridge. By building the gluten structure and then adding the rye later has enabled this loaf to still maintain an  open crumb structure and avoid the usual dense loaf associated with rye. The sweetness of the rye still shines through. I will definitely be making this bread more often while experimenting with other grains, cracked, flaked or rolled. For more bread and general baking I would love it if you started following me on instagram @melbournebreadman. Thanks enjoy!



dabrownman's picture

I'm doing the some thing tomorrow doing the 34% whole grain wheat portion separate from the 66% whole rye portion for the same reasons.  

Ripoli's picture

Initial sourdough:

High extraction whole wheat: 900g

Whole wheat: 100g

Water : 750g (this is lower than usual to account for the water in the porridge)

Salt: 20g

Leaven: 150g

Following a few folds of the dough and enough strength has been formed you add the porridge.

Rye porridge: 500g 

dabrownman's picture

I think I might have put sone of the levian in the porridge:-)  Well done and happy baking

Ripoli's picture

Yes, I want to try and do that next time and let the porridge ferment over a couple of days. See what different flavours might result.

Lazy Loafer's picture
Lazy Loafer

I just made a very similar loaf, using rye flakes instead of cracked rye. I soaked them overnight with water and a bit of kefir, to start fermenting them, then cooked them into porridge the next day. Folded them into the dough as above. I'll post on my blog when I get a minute!

dabrownman's picture

You don't want 500 more grams of levain:-)

Filomatic's picture

Please let me know what you did with the cracked rye. Hamelman says to poor hot water over it and leave overnight, before mixing into the final dough for bulk fermentation. 

Ripoli's picture

250g of cracked rye and 500g cold water left overnight (or longer) and then cooked on the stove until tender. Essentially you just need to bring the grain to a point at which it can be easily ingested. 

Ru007's picture

I've just started experimenting with rye so it'll be a while before i add porridge to anything, but its definitely going on my to do list! 

Well done! 

Trevor J Wilson's picture
Trevor J Wilson

Absolutely stunning crumb you've got going there! I can only imagine how wonderful it must taste. Consider yourself followed.



Ripoli's picture

Loving what I am seeing on your instagram and website. Will definitely be following you closely. Nice to meet ya! haha

Isand66's picture

Beautiful bake.  I love making porridge breads as well and you can find a bunch on my blog or here if you're interested.  My blog is

I will check yours out as well.

Happy Baking!


Peter Kaye's picture
Peter Kaye

I'm brand new to baking (just retired) can someone please help.  What's rye porridge and what's the technique for making/adding it after a few folds (i.e. should the dough stand before or after and son on...)
