Ginger and Spice Sourdough Cake

Profile picture for user Anne-Marie B

Most ginger cake recipes contain too much sugar, molasses and butter for my taste. I found this one online. It is mainly sweetened by dates and I replaced the molasses with malt extract (no molasses on hand at the time). It is not a very sweet cake at all, somewhere between a loaf and a cake. Made with spelt flour and was left to rise for about 8 hours. Great with butter and it even makes good toast.


I have tried searching but haven't been able to find the recipe . I would like to use my date syrup in it for sweetness along with the dried fruit. Thank you your cake looks delicious. c

Profile picture for user trailrunner

that is the only site I could find that seemed likely. Thank you ! I usually have kefir grains going but travel too much and too long these days for them to survive. Will use Bulgarian Buttermilk and the date syrup and report back. Thank you !  c