The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Hacked site???

Faith in Virginia's picture
Faith in Virginia

Hacked site???

Hay Floyd,  Been a while since I stopped by.  Checking up on some posts here and keep getting shoved off to some  lemonaid mag . com site.  What's up with that?  Did not know if I was the only one having this issue.

Faith in Virginia's picture
Faith in Virginia\.\g\.\doubleclick\.\net%2Fpagead%2Fads%3Fclient%3Dca-pub-5060446827351852%26output%3Dhtml%26h%3D60%26slotname%3D1428539328%26adk%3D2343816233%26w%3D468%26lmt%3D1421027691%26flash%3D16\.\0\.\0%26url%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww\.\thefreshloaf\.\com%2Fnode%2F41289%2Fankarsrum-and-mashed-potatoes%26dt%3D1421027703662%26bpp%3D17%26bdt%3D652%26shv%3Dr20150106%26cbv%3Dr20141212%26saldr%3Dsa%26correlator%3D4000622858677%26frm%3D20%26ga\_\vid%3D1312408573\.\1405741520%26ga\_\sid%3D1421027092%26ga\_\hid%3D184031531%26ga\_\fc%3D1%26u\_\tz%3D-300%26u\_\his%3D11%26u\_\java%3D0%26u\_\h%3D900%26u\_\w%3D1440%26u\_\ah%3D870%26u\_\aw%3D1440%26u\_\cd%3D24%26u\_\nplug%3D4%26u\_\nmime%3D18%26dff%3Dhelvetica%20neue%26dfs%3D14%26adx%3D271%26ady%3D567%26biw%3D1409%26bih%3D772%26eid%3D317150304%26oid%3D3%26ref%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww\.\thefreshloaf\.\com%2Ftracker%26rx%3D0%26eae%3D0%26fc%3D8%26brdim%3D%2C%2C0%2C0%2C1440%2C0%2C1440%2C870%2C1426%2C772%26vis%3D1%26abl%3DCS%26ppjl%3Df%26fu%3D0%26bc%3D1%26ifi%3D1%26xpc%3D4gS9T1p4A0%26p%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww\.\thefreshloaf\.\com%26dtd%3D351&account=adwynne&campaign=us&adgroup=1&banner=320-50&it=1421027706323&refurl=

This is what I keep getting shoved off to.

cranbo's picture

I had this happen once about a week or two ago, can't remember the ads that it pushed me to, but as soon as the TFL login page would load the ad at page bottom a new tab would open. Happened twice. I cleared my browser cache and restarted my browser and it hasn't happened since. 

Sounds like some out-of-spec ads that were pushed out thru the ad service

Faith in Virginia's picture
Faith in Virginia

Thanks Cranbo.  I will give that a try.  I loose so much clearing that cache... spend days resetting passwords and such to frequented sites.

Faith in Virginia's picture
Faith in Virginia

Nope,  cleared cache and restarted the browser still having the problem on a bunch of posts.

varda's picture

but not on my PC.  It happened yesterday but not today.





LindyD's picture

This browser add-on allows you to block the trackers, widgets, advertising, etc.,   A pop-up blocker no doubt will help as well.

squarehead's picture

Hopefully this gets fixed soon?


AbeNW11's picture
AbeNW11 (not verified)

It's happening to me too. Switched to my phone as on my work computer it flips to other websites. Only gives me 2 seconds on TFL. 

Ford's picture

Could it be you have a virus or bug in your computer?  I've had no problem.


Postal Grunt's picture
Postal Grunt

I use a Firefox browser, Super Anti Spyware (free version), and AdBlock Plus.

Faith in Virginia's picture
Faith in Virginia

No I have good antivirus software and it only happens here on TFL.  I see a few others have the same issue so it's not just me.  I also use Firefox for a browser


yozzause's picture

i had trouble here in Aus for a while being hijacked by bidvertiser that did just what you described i do seem to have stopped it now but cant quite remember what i did, i know it took a lot of searching, i think i googled it and a whole load of remedies came up.

kind regards 

proth5's picture

been having this problem off and on using Internet Explorer. Using Firefox has cleared it up for now...

I ran a full scan and a "remove nasty programs" utility to no avail...

And only on TFL...

AbeNW11's picture
AbeNW11 (not verified)

my boss catching me drooling over a freshly baked sourdough that someone has posted up on TFL but when i'm drooling over some freshly baked goods and my computer screen automatically switches to a website with near naked muscle hunk and my boss walks past then I do have objections.

cranbo's picture

Happened again, different computer. As I went to the login page, just as the bottom banner was finishing loading, it redirected me to a download manager web site, and some other site. Happened 2x in a row. Closed the windows, tried again and was able to login successfully. 

It is a bit annoying and troublesome though :(