Fennel-Hazelnut-Fig Levain

Profile picture for user dmsnyder

It's been a busy week. I baked these loaves Monday and took some to my Italian class Tuesday evening where it was appreciated. I have tried this bread untoasted plain and with butter and with goat cheese and toasted with butter and with almond butter. All were very nice. The formula is from Hamelman's Bread.

Although my wife and I both enjoyed this bread a lot, among the various dried fruit/toasted nut sourdough breads I've made, I think we liked the sour cherry-pecan San Francisco-style Sourdough the best. But all have been really enjoyable.

Happy Baking!


Yup. Everyone seemed to enjoy the snack.

The latest person to join our class is also a sourdough bread baker. She lives pretty close to me. We'll find a time to bake together or just compare notes.


Di nuovo un bel pane, complimenti!!  Scommetto che i tuoi compagni di classe non saltano mai una classa, almeno per godere il tuo pane!  Thanks for the note on this versus other fruit/nut breads, cherry pecan does sound scrummy! 

Nice Bake David

Without tasting I'd go with Cherry Pecan too 


David:  Wonderful bake. We love fennel, hazelnuts and figs, so this sounds like one to try. I am sure your Italian class enjoyed the bread.  It's always fun to run across another sourdough baker as well.  Have fun baking together!  Best,  Phyllis

I have avoided baking with fennel seeds in the past, because my wife had the notion she doesn't like it. She arrived home from some errands while these loaves were baking and noticed the aroma but couldn't identify it. I divulged the "secret ingredient" after she had tasted the bread and said she like it.

Next will be biscotti. Don't tell!


These are gorgeous, as yours always are... Your skills are truly admirable. I've also been a bit reluctant to using aromatic seeds and strong herbs. Sounds great, smells great, probably is great, but often is more intense than I like. Getting more sensitive to smells as I (omg) get a bit older. Maybe the answer is make it and gift it!

This one is another good reason to find hazelnuts... must do that asap.


Lovely combo .The other day I did dried cranberry/raisin/candied ginger /pecan SD. I made 3 boules and a bold bake like yours. It is one of the best breads yet. So nice to compare combos of flavors. Always enjoy your posts. I believe you have been studying Italian for quite some time now...are you planning an extended visit to make use of the lessons ? We need to work on our French before next summer. We managed for the 4 weeks we were there this year but plan on a couple months next Summer on bikes again....the phrase books only go so far :)  Happy Baking  . c

We've been to Italy twice in the past 3 years for 2 weeks each time. We have no specific plans to return but would certainly like to to do so.

Susan and I studied French through the local Alliance Francaise for 5 years, and I had several years more in high school. My Italian isn't yet at the fluency level of my French, but progress is progressing. 

I'm envious of your extended trips to France. Maybe someday, before I'm too decrepit.


Gentilissimo David,

c'è chi dalla Toscana ti segue sempre con grade stima......

Il Pane che hai prodotto è veramente ben fatto. Nonostante la distanza che ci separa, posso sentire il profumo di nocciole tostate e fichi caramellati. Io lo assaggerei volentieri con della freschissima ricotta di latte vaccino e poco miele d'arancio.

Bravo, veramente molto Bravo.

Nel mio Blog, io parlo spesso di pane, perchè è una delle mie più grandi passioni, chissà se un giorno passerai a trovarmi......così, anche soltanto per dirmi cosa ne pensi!!

Cordialità e saluti.

Anna Giordani

Grazie mille per le gentile parole. La tua idea di ricotta e miele con questo pane sarebbe stato delizioso!

Mi piacerebbe visitare il tuo blog. Desidero ricevere il tuo indirizzo.

Auguro per te la cottura felice!


Grazie a David per il gentile e generoso auspicio di "Buon Pane" te.

APPENA AVRO L'occasione di rivedere il Maestro Piergiorgio Giorilli Gli Farò VEDERE le tue straordinarie produzioni, perchè Il confronto con i bravi Maestri e Semper Costruttivo.

Ti lascio il link dell'Ultimo Messaggio Che ho Pubblicato sul mio blog ..... se vorrai Switch to, ne sarò felice e lo sarò altrettanto se mi dirai Cosa ne Pensi.


 A presto, Dalla mia amata Toscana.

Anna Giordani

Like the flavor combination. Curious how the taste would be substituting coriander for fennel. Thanks for the ideas/inspiration. Excellent loaves again.

Interesting idea ... coriander. All I can say is that the fennel worked better than I had anticipated. You only notice it if you focus on "what is that flavor?" But it is an outstanding addition to the sweet figs and nutty nuts.
