The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Sesame Sourdough

CeciC's picture

Sesame Sourdough

This is a loaf that I tweak from TARTINE COUNTRY LOAF. I have been working on Tartine No. 3 for the last couple of weeks, but I havent had much like with it (which largely due to the fact that I follow the clock instead of dough. Sigh!) 

Last weekend, I have planned my bake beforehand including considering the time Im gonna spend at home, room temp and adjusted dough temp. Heres the formula I tweaked:

Total Weight2130      
Weight per Serving1065      
Total Flour 1100     
Total Water 860     
Total Hydration 78.18%     
Multi-grain % 22.27%     
 Build 1Build 2Build 3SoakerFinal DoughAdd-InTotal
White Starter (100%)10     10
Wholewheat Starter10     10
Rye Starter      0
Yeast Water Levain (100%)      0
Extra-High Protein Flour (>14%)      0
Bread Flour 45  500 545
AP Flour    300 300
Wholemeal Flour       
Wholewheat Flour 45  150 195
Rye Flour    50 50
Water 90  760 850
Milk      0
Raisin Soaker Water      0
Yeast Water      0
Others      0
Yeast      0
Salt    20 20
Wheat Germ    50 50
ADD-IN      0
Sesame (1 Cup)     120120

Autolyse for 30Mins

Bulk Fermentation 15Hours at 16C, Initial Dough Temp 18C

Divide and rest for 20Mins, Shaped and place in dusted basket

Second Proof Over night for 7-8 Hours in the fridge

Bake in covered dutch oven at 250C for 15Mins, uncovered 240C for 25 Mins. Finished loaf registered 212F 

See the glossy crumb. This time its airy, moist crumb with improved flavor. I guess this is the best bread ever. 

 This post has been submitted to the Yeast Spotting Site here:


breadbythecreek's picture

did you really do 15 hours at 16C for bulk fermentation?  Seems awfully long, but maybe I'm wrong.  in any case, beautiful bread. Congratulations.

dabrownman's picture

That is some really nice bread - inside and out just perfect!   Has to be tasty too.  Well done and

Happy baking

I think there is a decimal missing in the 15 hours of ferment

CeciC's picture

Thanks Dab,

I cant pull this without your help and encouragement.

15 hours is not a typo, I used a fairly young levain which hasnt been raised to double for all 3 feedings and it gives a fairly sweet aroma. This should have slower the fermentation to this turtle (maybe snail is more appropriate) speed. 

Happy baking Dab

dabrownman's picture

starter for a 15 hour ferment at 60 F and 8 hour retard at 40 F.  Just shows you that cool and cold temperatures can really slow down a  tortoise:-)

CeciC's picture

But without proof box its a bit difficult to manipulate the actual time require for each bake, I guess its also the fun part of bread baking. 

Im going to steal your prunes bread idea for this weekend bake. Hopefully it can be as good as your.


LevaiNation's picture

Wow, that looks fantastic! A good loaf is such a thrill! And thanks for the recipe. I have the Tartine books, and your 1 page explanation seems easier to follow (and schedule) than pages and pages of Chad's instructions.

Buen provecho!


CeciC's picture

Hi B

This is not exactly the same as tartine book thou, its similar to what he said but I have it combined with Ken Forkish FWSY book to come up with this weird method of fermentation.

Hope you enjoy this formula as much as I do

Bon Appetite.


ElPanadero's picture

looking loaves inside and out.  One to try.

Mebake's picture

Well done, Ceci! very visually appealing, 5 thumbs up.


CeciC's picture

Thanks Khalid,

Nothing close to your miche n pain de mie. They are gorgeous.


golgi70's picture
golgi70 (not verified)

those are beauties Cecic. Spot on I'd say.

You have come so far in such short time.  Good to hear you aren't trusting your clock but your instincts.  

Lovely Bake


CeciC's picture

Thanks Josh for your kind word,

I think bread baking has never been easy, for the last couple of months some breads have been quite disappointing. despite that it has so much fun and everytime seeing your inspiring post, I got a kick to bake better coz yours always make me drool. 


golgi70's picture
golgi70 (not verified)

I appreciate the kind words but this loaf here has me drooling.  My sesame wheats have not come out quite so nice.  I bet it tastes amazing.  

Great Baking


Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

I don't think I could pass that one up to try.  It's a good recipe for a working schedule.  Where did you let the dough rise at 16°C (60°F) ?  Pantry?  :)  

CeciC's picture

Thanks Mini,

I didnt realise it could fit into my working schedule. OMG!! you have just reminded me!!! You are genius. 

I leave it in my lounge, as we are having a cool winter in Hong Kong and the temp different between day and night is only 2-4C so on average its 16C. 

This should work in a cellar environment as well


CeciC's picture

Thank you guys for all your nice words

15 hours is not a typo and that 15 hours is started after I have added salt to the dough. But it raise to almost double in 15 hours. thats why I have put it straight into the fridge after shaping (including some photo taking time for me to compare if it has been 85% proof after one night retard).

This should have something to do with the cool room temp I suppose. Last week when I did a 15Hours Fermentation at 10C it didnt move at all even after I shove it into a lighted oven It still gave me nothing. After last week experience I think letting it ferment a bit longer in bulk then reduce the final proofing time should work. I think this is more of a way Ken Forkish wrote about in FWSY, as he always let his dough double in bulk.