The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

First attempt at sourdough

RDavidP's picture

First attempt at sourdough

This is my first attempt at a rye sourdough. I followed the levain directions in Dan Leader's Bread Alone. I made the Caraway Rye listed in the book, but I always use 100% whole wheat flour instead of the 20% bran flour. Of all the breads I have made, this one came out the best I believe. It had a nice oven spring.

Jeffrey's picture
Jeffrey (not verified)

What great bread.

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

Wow, well done.

ehanner's picture

This really looks nice and baked perfectly. I'll bet it was delicious. How much caraway does it call for?


bluezebra's picture
