Water roux and gluten free bread?


I was exploring ideas on how to make GF bread a little less like batter bread in texture and less gritty and wondered if using a water roux would work. I guess I am not the first with this idea. Take a look at this site:


I have made txfarmers Hokkaido milk bread and used the Tangzhong method to soften my whole grain breads . It works beautifully . Gluten Free is a whole specialty-as is gluten bread but I believe there are techniques in each category that can benefit the other. I am glad this site has a "Special Needs" forum. I believe we learn much about our world when we glimpse another's.

Has anyone ever made this recipe or anything like it? Any comments? Any flour combo that was especially tasty or effective for this technique? Do's? Don'ts?

I hope to try this soon.