Bread According to Ezekiel 4:9

Profile picture for user sourdoughlover

I am curious if anyone has tryed making sourdough bread according to Ezekial 4:9. I know there is a company that does it, but has anyone actually tried making sourdough bread that way?


Here's the verse:

But as for you, take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt, put them into one vessel and make them into bread for yourself. Ezekiel 4:9a

Profile picture for user sourdoughlover

In reply to by MisterTT

Wow, thanks. This was extremely interesting. A lot of work! But, definitely something I would try. Thanks again for your help.

There are so many to choose from you will be spoilt for choice.

I am a novice baker, but very quickly learning there has almost been no combinations of ingredients that hasn't been tried and a recipe online to go with it. Trying to find something novel is almost impossible

Have fun


to my apprentice ... she is surly enough as it is :-)  The one thing we know about bread making is that millions and millions  of bakers have been making bread for maybe at least 8,000 years.  Most of their recipes were unpublished and unknown.

My take is that there isn't a bread being baked today where a very similar one wasn't baked many, many times before by many way better bakers!

Eating unleavened Ezekiel Bread, like he did, must have been a real chew chore if it wasn't soaked in the daily gruel to soften it up some :-)

Maybe my all too pessimistic side has taken over as usual, but you are very much correct.

I suppose the beauty in bread baking is often not the novelty but in the reproduction in as much a beautiful or faithful way to the old recipes and to add your own personal style to it.

I did nothing new with my baking today, but have made some ok bread. Though as you say, nothing that hasn't been done by greater bakers previously. Tomorrow is my final post, looking forward to doing it.

Happy Baking


your final post Andy?  You are just getting started and we look forward to your bread baking journey.