Hi, pretty new to baking here. I have an old commercial hobart coffee grinder and would like to try and use it to mill wheat. Has anyone here used a machine like this for wheat? Ran some through the other night and there were lots of coarse chunks in there.
i thought i might adjust the grinder to get a finer grind and run the grains through twice? and sift out any big bits left.
While some people do grind small amounts of grain in their home coffee grinders, you may be the first on TFL to try it with a commercial unit. Let us know what you learn, please. With pictures, too!
How is the mill doing?
I don't think that even a coffee grinder capable of doing an espresso grind is going to give you flour. I would also be especially suspicious of a machine like this working. As you can see on the label, this was probably in a grocery store where the customer was invited to grind their own beans. Grinders work with a set of burrs that move close together for finer grinds. Those sharp burrs get dull over time and I would suspect a machine that came from a grocery store like this would have worn burrs, meaning you aren't even going to get as fine a grind as the machine would give you with new or sharpened burrs. Burrs can be sharpened (or replaced) in many cases, but you will have to factor that cost in to the equation.