Whole Wheat Pumpkin Muffins: I have been going through baking withdrawal. We are going on vacation this Friday and there is no way the 2 of us would eat any quantity of bread in 4 days. Besides, I have to put a bathing suit on and bread slathered with butter is my downfall. I finally found Hodgson's Whole Wheat Graham flour for Memo's bread. There was a recipe for these muffins on the box, which I slightly amended using Chinese 5 Spice Powder, brown sugar instead of white and apple sauce in place of oil. Oh..I also made 6 jumbo sized instead of the 2 dozen the recipe makes. I know my previous excuse for bread baking becomes null and void now..but I couldn't help myself! I love the graham flour!! My husband says we could go into business with these. There is something about the texture and taste. First recipe when we come home will be Memo's bread!