August 28, 2012 - 10:12am
Local grain CSA
I just ran across, and have signed up for a share. I'm excited to try out some of the heirloom wheats. More info in December when I pick it up.
I just ran across, and have signed up for a share. I'm excited to try out some of the heirloom wheats. More info in December when I pick it up.
Hello loydb,
I hope you enjoy baking with your local, heirloom wheat.
(I joined a local grain CSA last year; the varieties grown are not heirloom, but they are grown organically.
I've loved baking with the flour, and had the opportunity to bake some bread for the farmer, using his wheat :^) ).
You might like MC's post about 'Baking with Locally-Grown Grains' - there are some tips in there from
Jeffrey Hamelman about working with local grans:
:^) breadsong
Thanks for the link! I've got about 25# of organic hard red wheat on hand right now, so that will get me to December. It will be interesting to see what's in the final package.
That domain has been hijacked apparently. edit: they got it back