Egg Rolls :^)

Hello, and best wishes to everyone this holiday weekend!

Sylvia just posted about her lemon-currant Panesiglio Aversano. Weren’t they gorgeous?!
Thank you, Sylvia, for baking these and sharing how you made them!
Those lemon-currant rolls were so pretty, and the flavor sounded so fresh and spring-like –
I knew I would have to make some for Easter :^)


These were made according to Sylvia's method in her post, except I scaled the dough so I could use six whole eggs (these really are egg rolls!), and after mixing, fermented 1 hour at room temperature, gave it a stretch and fold, then refrigerated in bulk overnight.  
Before refrigerating, the dough container was filled to 1.5 quarts.
This is what greeted me in the morning (a lovely tub of softly-colored dough):

I soaked the currants overnight in some limoncello :^) and in the morning, kneaded these in along with diced, candied organic lemon peel:

The kneading helped to warm up the dough.  Then I assembled a battery of egg-shaped pans and spent some time shaping :^)

9 dough balls at 1.5-ounces each; pan is about 8” long and 6” wide; before and after proofing

1.25-ounce dough pieces, fitted into oval babas and tart tins, having fun trying to shape ‘mini-batards’! :^)

2-ounce dough pieces, for a mini-egg cake pan, each egg about 3.25” by 2.5”
and some imperfect glazing evident after baking….but they did proof and bake up into ‘eggs’!

Some of the remaining dough was baked in small pans. This was the overall quantity:

Here are some crumb shots:

...served with lemon curd as Sylvia recommended...brilliant!

I love how these rolls included lemon-infused buttermilk and candied lemon peel in the ingredients.
These rolls were light, soft and fluffy, with a delicate lemon flavor and sweetness...they are now high on my list of favorites – thanks again, Sylvia!

Happy baking, and Happy Easter, everyone!
:^) breadsong

Submitted to YeastSpotting, Susan's weekly bread event :^)


What a gorgeous bake and beautiful write-up!  I was so happy to hear how you enjoyed them.  Thank you for the very nice compliments!  

You have been in my thoughts all day!  I must have smelled those buns baking : )

Seriously, I have been wanting to thank you for the very delicious Lemon-Buttermilk-Sorbet you refered me to from your post on my blog for the Lemon-Currant buns.  What a perfect opportunity...Thank you, Thank you...Oh my, it is so tasty and will definately be a summer long treat!  My husband loved it.

I love the pans you used to shape the egg-rolls.   They came out gorgeous with that lovely crust 'with the little crunch' and tender crumb.  What a tasty looking candied lemon peel...sure makes a difference. 

I just baked my traditional HC buns, lamb shanks simmered all day and we ate and ate....topped it all off with your Lemmon-Buttermilk-Sorbet : )

It's been a long enjoyable day!  Off to bed now.  Tomorrow, I'll be doing some volunteer work with my daughter and youngest grandson at a homeless shelter for those not so fortunate.

Happy Easter!



Hi Sylvia,
Thank you so much - you've absolutely made my day!
It was so good to make these yummy rolls, and then to get your lovely note and know that you loved the sorbet :^)
It's a very cute picture of the sorbet too, with the Easter Bunnies in the background...I'm glad you had a good Easter Sunday filled with delicious flavors and hope your good work today goes well.
Thanks again, Sylvia, and I'm so grateful to share recipes with you!
:^) breadsong

They look delicious breadsong and such a creative use of the dough.  Trust you to come up with an idea like that.  I think they are lovely. :)


Hi Syd,
I have great memories of your Hot Cross Buns which we enjoyed so much last year. Thank you again :^)
These buns were a perfect treat for Easter, too.  It was good to find a use for pans that mostly sit idle!
Thank you for your compliments - I'm glad you liked these rolls - these rolls were rich, tender, tasty and fragrant - a wonderful discovery!
:^) from breadsong

Profile picture for user dabrownman

love your egg shaped rolls for Easter - Thanks to Sylvia to0.  Lemon curd and lemonchello are tough to beat.  My kind of baking breadsong.

I made lemon curd and lemonchello puff pastries.  All home made.  We think alike - almost!

Hi dabrownman,
Your Easter baking sounds just lovely.
Thank you so much for your kind words!
:^) breadsong

Hi dabrownman,
I'll be interested in seeing your post about these - would like to know how you made your pastry.
I made a cream cheese pastry awhile ago with lemon filling - for turnovers - thanks for jogging my memory about these, they were good and I should make them again.
Thanks for the picture - that looks like a-whole-lotta-lemon!
:^) breadsong

These look wonderful, breadsong, and your photographs do bring them to luscious life! I love the rich color of the dough and the egg shapes and glaz-y shiny crust. How perfect for Easter! I'll have to look up that sorbet that Sylvia mentioned (and her bake looked wonderful, too). My baking this Easter was homemade cannolis -- I'm planning to post those soon.

Happy Easter & happy baking to you........!  Janie

Hi Janie,
Thank you - such a kind comment! :^)
I hope you love the sorbet as much as I loved the ricotta you recommended - I was so happy with the flavor of the fresh cheese and how it worked as a tart filling. Thanks so much for the sending the link to the recipe.
Glad to hear you were busy baking this weekend too - cannolis, what a treat!
I came across a raw raspberry honey from Whidbey Island...delighted to purchase this, with your beautiful Buckwheat-Pear Sourdough bread in mind!
:^) breadsong

I've been to Whidbey Island and have such magical memories of it. It's lovely that your raspberry honey came from there, breadsong! I hope you have fun with the buckwheat bread when you give it a try.

So glad that the homemade ricotta lived up to expectations. It's nice to be able to inspire one another on this site and exchange ideas!

All the best to you,

Hi Janie,
I will let you know how it goes with the buckwheat bread, and I am really looking forward to tasting that honey.
Thanks again for sharing your ideas (and beautiful baking!).
:^) breadsong

...look scrumptious and you gave them wonderfully festive shapes. Candied lemon peel and limoncello-soaked currants! How delicious...

Hi MC :^)
Thank you so much!
It was fun making and shaping these - my little niece liked her 'easter eggs' - and the ones in the basket (the first photo) were for my local wheat farmer and his family (who give me lots of farm-fresh was nice to give them some 'eggs'
in return!).
I'm loving using homemade candied citrus peel - I use the Citrus Confit formula from Advanced Bread and Pastry
(but put the peels in an ice water bath after the first blanch, to set the color - a tip from Rose Levy Beranbaum, in her book A Passion for Chocolate).
And the limoncello currants - they are reminding me of your oh-so-yummy 'plastered plums'!
:^) breadsong